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Chinese translation for "magic lantern"


Related Translations:
lantern:  n.1.提灯,灯笼;街灯。2.幻灯 ( = magic lantern )。3.(灯塔的)灯火室。4.【建筑】天窗灯笼式屋顶。5.【机械工程】油环,套环。短语和例子a Chinese lantern 灯笼。 a dark lantern (仅一孔漏光的)暗灯。 a lantern procession 提灯游行。 a signal lantern 信号灯。 The Feas
lantern slide:  幻灯片。
lantern fly:  【动物;动物学】白蜡虫。
dark lantern:  有遮光装置的提灯。
chinese lantern:  灯笼。
lantern ring:  (泵的)套环。
top lantern:  top lantern =top light 【航海】桅头灯。
lantern pinion:  [wheel] 灯笼式小齿轮。
lantern jaw:  突出的下巴。
lantern tree:  【植物;植物学】红白合木 (Crinodendron hookerianum) 〔智利产的一种树,美国南部有时用该树作装饰品〕。
Example Sentences:
1.It is a far cry from a magic lantern to television .
2.Chen xiang : mom , how this could be a magic lantern
3.Mom : it ' s a magic lantern
4.His whole life seemed to him like a magic lantern , at which he had been looking through the glass and by artificial light
5.According to this theory , the image was made with the aid of a magic lantern , a simple projecting device , or by means of a camera obscura and light - sensitive silver compounds applied to the cloth
6.He descended , or rather seemed to descend , several steps , inhaling the fresh and balmy air , like that which may be supposed to reign around the grotto of circe , formed from such perfumes as set the mind a dreaming , and such fires as burn the very senses ; and he saw again all he had seen before his sleep , from sinbad , his singular host , to ali , the mute attendant ; then all seemed to fade away and become confused before his eyes , like the last shadows of the magic lantern before it is extinguished , and he was again in the chamber of statues , lighted only by one of those pale and antique lamps which watch in the dead of the night over the sleep of pleasure
7.Yes , yes , there are they ; there are the cheating forms that excited torments and ecstasies in me , he said to himself , going over in imagination the chief pictures of the magic lantern of his life , looking at them now in the cold , white daylight of a clear view of death
“是的,是的,这就是曾经使我激动和赞赏并且折磨过我的那些虚幻的形象, ”他自言自语,在想象中一一再现他的人生魔灯中的主要画面。此时是在白昼的寒光中,在清楚地意识到死亡的时刻观看这些画面,这就是那些曾经认为美丽和神秘的拙劣粗糙的画像。
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